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SWOT Analysis

My strengths

- well-organized



My weaknesses

- get distracted easily

- sometimes I am lazy

- cant concentrate easily

-unwillingness to move away from a problem until it is solved and this may waste a lot of time.

My opportunities

- starting tertiary education to prepare myself for the future

- experienced and helpful teachers in college

- top facilities in college

My threats

- low ability in staying focused would reduce my productivity

SWOT Analysis is an efficient and flexible tool for us to do a reflection on oursleves, studying what our strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats are.By doing this, we can thus understand ourselves better besides improving ourselves.

For me, in order to make my dream come true, I know my SWOT clearly and I need to apply my understanding of myself in my life. This will help me to improve myself proactively since I clearly understand what my strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats are. My goal is to pass AS and A2 with extraordinary results, and in order to achieve it, I need to become a dedicated person and eliminate the bad habit of procastination. On top of that, I aslo need to learn the ways to easily stay focused on my studies so that I wont get distracted easily. I also need to optimise my opportunities by facilitating the top facilities and teachers in the college to benefit myself. If I learn how to concentrate onsomething easily, then I can increase my productivity in studies. Thus, to pass AS and A2 with flying colours, I also need to manage my time well so that I can minimize the time nee.ded to complete one particular task and have more time to do more other things

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